
Strawberry Pudding Recipe

The word “pudding” is often called pies (sweet and savory), sometimes with some kind of filling (meat, fish, mushrooms, nuts, fruits, vegetables, etc.). Sweet puddings are usually served with tea or coffee and other similar beverages.

On weekends (according to the season) you can make fruit puddings. A slice of fruit, such as strawberry pudding, is a great breakfast, lunch, or snack.

Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 20 mins
Servings 5


Milk and Strawberry Pudding


    • 100-130 ml medium-fat milk
    • 1-2 tbsp sugar
    • 1-2 tbsp brandy, and better gin
    • 10-12 g corn starch
    • 250 g strawberries
    • 1-2 tbsp strawberry juice (optional, but desirable)
    • chicken egg protein - 1 pc
    • natural milk cream
    • mint leaves



    • Calculation of products for 1 serving. Capacity (for example, an enamelled dipper) wet the inside with water and pour the milk.
    • Add half the sugar and starch. We mix with a whisk or fork so that there are no lumps. Cook on the lowest heat with continuous stirring until thickening begins. Add strawberry juice and brandy.
    • Rub strawberries through a rare sieve or chop finely. Whip the second part of the sugar with egg white.
    • We mix whipped protein with strawberry mass, and then all together with starch milk. Pour the mixture into the ice-cream bowls and let them harden (you can put them in the refrigerator for a while).
    • Decorate with whipped cream and mint leaves. You can serve to this pudding a glass of cool refreshing cocktail “Gin and Tonic”, light white or rose wine.


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